Events, Upcycling

Lou Lou’s Bristol Vintage Fair


me looking all cheesy

Well what a wonderful day at Lou Lou’s Vintage Fair to do my first ever stall. It was a long day but worth it in the end and managed to sell almost all of my items and made some good contacts, so very happy. It’s now filled me with confidence and am ready to take on more stalls, with my next one planned in November. 

If you bought any pin cushions or cake stands please Tweet me pictures of them in use. I would love to see them in use!




Large skull cameos

The pin cushions were a bit of a winner

The pin cushions were a bit of a winner

Lucy's Tea Party stall

Lucy’s Tea Party stall

My wonderful auntie Dawn got roped in to helping

My wonderful auntie Dawn got roped in to helping

IMG_8111I do have a rogue cake stand pin so if you bought one on Saturday and its missing please let me know and I will get it in the post ASAP x

Events, Upcycling

Upcycled vintage teacup pin cushions

upcycled pin cushions

upcycled pin cushions

For the past few days I have become obsessed by making these adorable upcycled pin cushions, these are just a few of what I have made. The fabric has all be sourced from various carboot sales, charity shops and even from a Goodwill in Portland I from when I was out there. All I need now is to find some doilies small enough for the tea cup saucers, together with lots more tea cups and they will be complete.

I cannot wait to see how these will do at Lou Lou’s Bristol Vintage Fair in a few weeks time.

It’s a great way to use up any odd tea cups, fabrics, ribbons and buttons that always seem to build up in the cupboard.

I will also do a post on how to make these for yourself very shortly.

Frugal Living, Upcycling

To the happy bride and groom

On Saturday I went to John’s friend/old boss’ wedding. As part of their wedding present I made this cake stand for them. I chose complimentary gold colours with a nature theme throughout. I thought this would be perfect as it can be used year round (I am thinking canapés on Christmas day).  I managed to find a perfect box for the stands, which I must find more of. What made it even better was a text from the groom the following day telling me that they loved it, so happy!

Ray and Lauren's gift

Wishing Lauren and Ray all the best and a very happy future together x


Events, Thrifting, Upcycling

Sneak Peak of things to come

What with Bristol Vintage Fair coming up very soon, I have been super busy making and sourcing things for it. Here are just a few sneak peaks of what I have been up to over the past few weeks with way more to follow…


Booty haul

Now I am in Somerset again I can go to my favourite carboot in cheddar. Last week while selling at my own stall, I managed to have a quick run around to see what I could find. I was super pleased with my haul. I especially love my rose gold trolly which I will use at the vintage fair. Along with this I got more bottles, a faux fur stole, vintage trunks, a jug, more plates. vintage tins and a few other bits a pieces. 


I love old glass bottles


Skull face cameos


Bird skull necklaces coming soon


Just a small stash of my plates



I will be at the Bristol Vintage Fair

I will be at the Bristol Vintage Fair

I will be holding a stall at the Bristol Vintage Fair, make sure you come and say hello 🙂

Events, Upcycling

Bristol Vintage Fair

Frugal Living, Upcycling

More Time More Hobbies

Door knob heavenphoto

Due to the recession I found that in many small-America towns a lot of business’ are closed down. And with it being slightly to cold to be in the motel pool, I have found myself with time on my hands (although luckily not the case in Austin or New Orleans). Not that I don’t mind having time to relax but I still have not got over the fact I am not working for the first time since I was 14. However in Austin I discovered the best shop ever, the Hobby Lobby. It has EVERYTHING in there, literally everything, and what is amazing it always has discounts and offers, even John was happy exploring all they had to offer. All the door knobs were 50% off which made them $1.50 each (about 80p), bargain! I also got candle scents and dye for when I start to make my tea cup candles back in England. Not only this is I got all the equipment I need for jewellery making. So far I have made two necklaces and I expect to make a lot more. All girls I know should expect jewellery as Christmas/Birthday presents, homemade presents always seem more personal.
